Church Announcement

on Friday October 1, 2021 by SHC Webmaster

The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscan Order will be celebrated on Monday, 4th October at the 7.00 pm mass in the Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

Parishioners, please note that the special mass for senior citizens will not be there from next Friday onwards as all ages can now attend the services. All individuals above 60 years of age are allowed to attend mass provided they have a Vaccination Certificate and follow the COVID guidelines while entering the church compound.

Additional masses have been added for the week as follows:
Wednesday 5 pm, on first come first serve basis
Sunday 5 pm, with online booking

Kindly note that from now on, the Pre-Baptism Seminar will be held in the church premises with participants attending in person. The next date for the pre-Baptism Seminar is Wednesday, 13th October, from 8.00 pm to 9.00 pm, in the Social Hall. For registration, parents and godparents are requested to send their names by email to [email protected]. Expectant mothers too can register their names. This seminar is only for parishioners.

October is the month of the Holy Rosary. We encourage you to pray the Rosary daily in your homes. Remember, the family that prays together stays together.

Parishioners, we are pleased to inform you that the Cathedral works is in progress and is expected to be completed soon. Lots of funds are required to complete this project and we look towards your goodwill and generosity towards this project. Whatever amount you desire to give will be gratefully received at the parish office. May God bless you for your support towards this cathedral project.

In preparation for the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Transitus will be held at 6.00 pm on 3rd October in Our Lady of Arabia Auditorium. The Novena in honour of St. Francis of Assisi has already begun.

October 1 is the first Friday of the month. The Parish Holy Hour will be held online at 3.15 pm.