Announcements for 28th, 29th and 30th January 2022

on Thursday January 27, 2022 by SHC Webmaster

  1. 4th February is the First Friday of the Month. The Parish Holy Hour will be held from 3.15 pm to 4.15 pm. The participation for the Holy hour will be open to all. It will also be available for live streaming.
  2. The next Pre-Baptism Seminar will be on Wednesday, 9th February from 8.00 pm to 9.00 pm in the Social Hall. For registration, parents and godparents are requested to send their names by email to [email protected] before 8th February. Expectant mothers too may register. This seminar is only for parishioners. Do not bring children.
  3. After the mass, you are all requested to please leave the premises as soon as possible. The Ministry has advised us to stop groups of people from gathering outside the gate. Thank you for your cooperation.


  1. Sunday, 30th January is the Ordination Day of our Parish Priest, Fr. Xavier D’souza. A Thanksgiving Mass will be offered at 7.00 pm on that day. Let us participate and pray for his intentions.