on Thursday October 5, 2023 by SHC Webmaster

  1. 6th October is the first Friday of the month. The Parish Holy Hour will be held at 3.45 pm.
  2. The Annual Priests’ meeting of the Northern Vicariate will be held in Bahrain from Monday, 9th October to Thursday, 12th October. On Tuesday, 10th October all the priests of the Vicariate will participate in the mass at 6.30 pm. During this mass, Fr. Francis will be installed as the Parish Priest by Bishop Aldo Berardi of the Vicariate of Northern Arabia. Let us pray for our Priests. The daily Masses in English from 9th to 12th October will be held as usual. There will be no language masses during this period.
  3. The Arabic Community celebrate their First Anniversary at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Arabia, at Awali, on 7th October at 4.00 pm in the presence of His Excellency Bishop Aldo Berardi. All are welcome.
  4. The next Pre-Baptism Seminar has been postponed and will now be held on Wednesday, 18th October from 7.15 pm to 8.15 pm at the Audio Video Room. For registration, parents and godparents are requested to visit the Parish Office. This seminar is only for parishioners and expectant mothers too may register. Please be on time and do not bring children.
  5. The 5th Gulf Charismatic Conference, under the patronage of His Excellency Bishop Paolo Martinelli, the Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia, and His Excellency Bishop Aldo Berardi, the Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia, is scheduled to take place on 1st, 2nd and 3rd December. The venue for the Conference will be St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Dubai, UAE.   For details, please refer to the Parish Notice Board.
  6. Invitation to join the Secular Franciscan Order: If you are called by the Lord to follow Him closely, through the path of St. Francis of Assisi, to embrace Holiness by living the teachings of Jesus, by Joining the Secular Franciscan Order; do not hesitate, members of our Parish Secular Franciscan Order are there to assist you in preparing you to be a Franciscan. Batch 2024 will start soon, for more information you may contact Fr. Charbel Rizk OFM Cap. or the Parish office. OFS members are waiting to welcome you!
  7. There will be a series of talks for Adults and Youth from Monday 16th October.The talks will be given by the missionary Catechists of the Neo-Catechumenal Way. All are invited to come, listen and partake in the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ, who after destroying death, has come to give you a new life. The talks will be every Monday and Thursday, at 7.30 pm at Our Lady of Arabia Auditorium. Personal invitations will be handed to you at the end of the mass.
  8. All parents, in the Babies Room, are instructed not to feed the children snacks during the mass.

Fr. Francis Padavupurackkal Joseph, OFM Cap.
Parish Priest